Sunday, September 30, 2012

Future Horse...?

First off, I apologise for the misspelling of apologise* and the godawful background/blog design.

I'm also sorry I've been AWOL. x3

I think I have found my horse.
Every. Single. Thing. I could possibly want. Ever. <3

Her name's Tulip and she's a 5-8 year old dark bay/seal bay/brown TB mare currently in jump training. She was formerly abused and is extremely head shy and touchy. My best friend's riding instructor's client is selling her. She had a foal, and they are trying to break it, and don't have time for Tulip. She's extremely cheap and only forsale to the right owner.
She sounds like everything I want and everything I didn't know to ask for.

Cross your fingers - I'm checking into lease to own.

Also, I'm leasing the horse I ride during lessons. Enter Willy, (the horse that took off with me - he's surprisingly fun, has an adorable jump, is willing, and is so freaking CUTE!) the fastest horse in the north west. He's helping me get a lot better. Yesterday though, I spend 9 hours at the stable - I seriously think Willy, Freddy, Jenny, the water buckets, and the tack room have never been that clean - and I'm seriously tired.

So, love you all, thanks for 4 followers (I think it was five, I'm going to go sulk now) 388 blog views, and for reading my crappy writing.
More soon!

From your craptastic blogger
- Abbi

*FIXED IT! Ha. Wait, it's still spelled wrong. *facepalms*


  1. YAY!!!!! You get a horse! (jumps around like a crazy person) and sorry I dissapeared off the face of the earth!

    1. Hahaha not yet; I haven't even met her. But she sounds perfect for me. <3 IhopeIhopeIhopeOHGODIhope...
      Heh, no problem! I've been AWOL too. x3

