Friday, July 27, 2012


Yep. I did some updating, and now it's almost the end of summer. Where has that time gone? You set some goals and figure you'll accomplish a later date. After all, you just don't quite realize how short summer is. I know, I know. I'm falling victim to the cliche, "Time flies when you're having fun." I'm about ready to strangle myself with a lead rope. And the person who thought of that cliche. Who the heck comes up with those, anyway?

Visual Artsy Stuff On the Blog

If you've visited recently, and are currently not blind, you've probably noticed I've changed the pwetty colors! To my three fav - black, purple, and green. Before, it was pink, not black and purple. Honestly, I can't stand the color pink. Every time I looked at the blog I had a near aneurysm. It is like magical rainbow-pooping Unicorns curling their manes and painting on glitter hoof polish whilst giggling about their recent ballet recital.
"Ohmigawd! Brittney, did you hear about the latest Kardashian scandal?!"  
Pinkie Pie - the one, sweet, epic, bubbly exception to that.
I'm NOT girly...that much. I'm more of a purple than a pink.
Like, an awesome purple.
MOVING ON, I also added a prominent picture to remind me of my goals.
I'll change it every month, so you know I'm alive. As if posting would not do that.
I also refreshed the polls. They seem a tad popular, so I may add some as time goes on. I also updated my goals for this blog. Yay, 100 page views! Love! Heh.
Otherwise, y'know, it looks pretty. *scuffs boot toe on ground*

Ways for me to Beg Money off the Readers


I'll be starting an Etsy account soon, and I will probably try to sell stuff on this blog, or even start a Blog Store. I will also be re-adding Google Adsense. I will shamelessly grovel at your feet.

This has no relevence, but arn't penguins frickin' cute? He's like a fuzzy wiseman!

With the Horse Quest

I have been very lazy lately. It's squicking me out, honestly. I NEED TO GET UP AND WORK ON THIS! So I've been trying to. I have everything superorganzied, and now I need to set up everything!!! Grr. So, I just need to set up accounts on websites, post wares or affiliate or whatever, and boom, money comes in. So, please yell at me to get off my butt and do stuff! I did advance in The Quest quite a bit, though. So yay!

Found this dream horse template on DeviantArt. Thought it might be fun! ;) If you even have a basic computer/laptop, you'll have Paint, (On Windows Software) a program you can use to mess with this. Or print it out and color it! We can act like preschoolers if we so choose. All credit to the maker. Link here.

I'm in love! LOOK at that horse!

Peace out!

- Abbi

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Horsey Requirement List - Yes, it IS the time.

I'm pretty sure most of us ambitcious horse lovers want to jump or ride dressage in the Olympics.
And if you're not an English rider, let's say you want to take your Western Pleasure, or Barrel Racing to the National Level. Riiight?

Hickstead is my all-time favorite jumper.

Let's just say you do.

Me? I'm not any different. Except for one thing.

I, Abbi Huerta, vow to jump in the Olympics.
And try my veryverysuper best to win the Gold.

I will try to actually do this. ;)

Not. Kidding. AT ALL.

Seriously. And apart of my list of goals to do before I turn 18 is, not surprisingly, get my own horse. Even though I know I will not take my first horse to the Olympics, I would like to take him to rated shows and advance greatly on him.

If in your best interests, dear four readers (love you, btw. I give you all CYBER CUDDLES. If you are not a cuddler, or particularily huggy person, simply CYBER-DODGE my Cyber Cuddles (CC) and give me a comforting CYBER PAT on my cyber-shoulders. ANYWAY...) I will eventually post my list of goals leading toward me becoming *squee* an Olympian! Picture Rainbow Dash squeezing her cheeks:
This picture is 20% Cooler than a mental image.

So, on my list of horsey requirements: (not surprisingly, I have lists for absoloutly everything except groceries. HATE groceries.)

  • Must have good conformation. It's SUPERIMPORTANT that a horse, expessially a jumper, has good confo. It's a must for health and a reliable performance. I'm particularily looking for a horse built and suited to jumping. Go here for a suuuuupppeeerrr epic post about it.
  • Has to be a gelding. I'll go for a mare, but it's not ideal. Geldings have steady temperments, (not all, but more so) and I just love the boys!
  • Color is not that important to me, but my dream horse is a dapple gray, or a coal-black horse with a blaze and socks. CUTE! As long as his temper is sweet, though, he can be rainbow-colored before I care.
  • Stated previously: Sweet temper. <3
  • TB X - Thoroughbreds are built for racing. Athletic and leggy, they are athletes. My favorite breed. <3 However, because people can not leave a good thing un-screwed, they are inbred and rebred for speed. That means thinner bones to last in a two-minute race. Among the things I don't support, including Premarin Drugs (PMU Mares - SO SAD.) horse slaughter, mustang roundups, and other horrible, shady, cheap things EVIL people do to horses, I include flat racing. It itself is not a bad thing! It is not either cheap nor horrible nor evil! But the breeding of the horses, and the hard riding, and riding and breaking the horses, then running at two years old, is not okay with me. See, the thinner bones makes the horse more prone to injury. Expessially the leg bones - the horse's weight, the jockey's weight, and the strain of running super fast on those thin legs is not a good thing for those bones. Breeding just for some disposible speed is not safe, nor responsible. See the North Horse blog post - Here. Btw, LOVE North Horse.
I digress.

I will be looking for a Thoroughbred cross - probably with Quarter or Arabian, so I don't hurt those thin legs popping over a jump.

  • Must go English.
  • Experience at showing (even a tad) is a must.
  • Must, must go with a light touch. I hatehatehate using crops, I hatehate anything more than a squeeze or an occasional kick. I hate feeling like I'm hurting da baby. I know I'm not, but still. Repetitive kicking squeezes my heart. I'm a softie. It drives my instructor nuts.
Yep, those are my requests. Lol. What say you, four readers? What do you look for in a horse, or looove in yours?

Look at me trying to shamelessly beg comments from you. Isn't it endearing?

20% Cooler requirements,


- Abbi

Saturday, July 21, 2012


So, people. If anyone is payin' attention, I'm sorry about going AWOL on ya all.
First - I was in the Colorado Waldo Canyon Fire. It was rolling down the hill to our house, two miles away when we left. Our house is fine; when we were allowed to return, I went and mucked stalls out for 4 hours at Penrose Equestrian Center.

Still hoping for my horse. I'm also being allowed by my parents to lease a horse, for more experience. I've also been taking English riding lessons at average, three times a week.


But yeah, been busy. Will try to blog more often, as The Quest will never stop.

The Quest Continues.