Monday, October 15, 2012



Freddy's BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's no longer ribby, a little antsy (been cribbing, naugty little boy) and his mouth sore is noticibly better! Flies are no longer eating him alive, and he's not too grumpy!
Will post updates.

Yayyyy! Maii baby!

Thank you all for sticking by!

Other Updates:

Been riding around. SO BUSY LATELY. :/
Two Socks has been an angel; Misti has been working for an overlord, YES, Miss BrattyQueen of the Year, and Willy is a chee-ter. (My friend jumped for the first time on the Willinator Power Horse! Yay!)

We have another future-owner! A stable friend, Emily, is buying one of Susan's greenies, a HUGE chestnut named Stick. Congrats, Em!

My mother will be starting her own blog!!!

I sorta-fixed the blog's background! Like? LOVE?

I added a blogstore! I will add horsey-stuff to it soon - mostly Etsy and Cafepress works. I WILL be adding Google Adsense and I will link to my FB and Twitter affliate accounts on the blog.

- Abbi

CellleeeBRATE good times COME ON!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Leasing My Runaway

Why could this be, you wonder. Like, every horse you get on runs away with you. x3
Of course, you already know I'm leasing the Willinator. Willy, the superspringy power horse with an insane endurance trot, cute little jump, and bounds of energy. He also huffs a lot when we trot, but he's FIT as heck. He just decides he hates my bouncing. xD

A while back, I said I was going to be leasing Freddy; I was, but it's not the case anymore.

Freddy's mouth got worse. He has a nasty, plum-sized side-of-the-mouth wound from a parasite bite he got on a a trail ride. His usual rider used a bit on him and it broke open. It's gotten worse, and he started dropping food out of his mouth. He lost about 20 pounds. He's out of work and slowly putting back weight on. Until he recooperates, he's not going to have a rider.
So hope for my baby.

I love you, Freddy. <3

Anyway, it's OCTOBER! Yay. I did make 2 of my September goals. :D

- Abbi