Monday, October 15, 2012



Freddy's BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's no longer ribby, a little antsy (been cribbing, naugty little boy) and his mouth sore is noticibly better! Flies are no longer eating him alive, and he's not too grumpy!
Will post updates.

Yayyyy! Maii baby!

Thank you all for sticking by!

Other Updates:

Been riding around. SO BUSY LATELY. :/
Two Socks has been an angel; Misti has been working for an overlord, YES, Miss BrattyQueen of the Year, and Willy is a chee-ter. (My friend jumped for the first time on the Willinator Power Horse! Yay!)

We have another future-owner! A stable friend, Emily, is buying one of Susan's greenies, a HUGE chestnut named Stick. Congrats, Em!

My mother will be starting her own blog!!!

I sorta-fixed the blog's background! Like? LOVE?

I added a blogstore! I will add horsey-stuff to it soon - mostly Etsy and Cafepress works. I WILL be adding Google Adsense and I will link to my FB and Twitter affliate accounts on the blog.

- Abbi

CellleeeBRATE good times COME ON!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Leasing My Runaway

Why could this be, you wonder. Like, every horse you get on runs away with you. x3
Of course, you already know I'm leasing the Willinator. Willy, the superspringy power horse with an insane endurance trot, cute little jump, and bounds of energy. He also huffs a lot when we trot, but he's FIT as heck. He just decides he hates my bouncing. xD

A while back, I said I was going to be leasing Freddy; I was, but it's not the case anymore.

Freddy's mouth got worse. He has a nasty, plum-sized side-of-the-mouth wound from a parasite bite he got on a a trail ride. His usual rider used a bit on him and it broke open. It's gotten worse, and he started dropping food out of his mouth. He lost about 20 pounds. He's out of work and slowly putting back weight on. Until he recooperates, he's not going to have a rider.
So hope for my baby.

I love you, Freddy. <3

Anyway, it's OCTOBER! Yay. I did make 2 of my September goals. :D

- Abbi

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Future Horse...?

First off, I apologise for the misspelling of apologise* and the godawful background/blog design.

I'm also sorry I've been AWOL. x3

I think I have found my horse.
Every. Single. Thing. I could possibly want. Ever. <3

Her name's Tulip and she's a 5-8 year old dark bay/seal bay/brown TB mare currently in jump training. She was formerly abused and is extremely head shy and touchy. My best friend's riding instructor's client is selling her. She had a foal, and they are trying to break it, and don't have time for Tulip. She's extremely cheap and only forsale to the right owner.
She sounds like everything I want and everything I didn't know to ask for.

Cross your fingers - I'm checking into lease to own.

Also, I'm leasing the horse I ride during lessons. Enter Willy, (the horse that took off with me - he's surprisingly fun, has an adorable jump, is willing, and is so freaking CUTE!) the fastest horse in the north west. He's helping me get a lot better. Yesterday though, I spend 9 hours at the stable - I seriously think Willy, Freddy, Jenny, the water buckets, and the tack room have never been that clean - and I'm seriously tired.

So, love you all, thanks for 4 followers (I think it was five, I'm going to go sulk now) 388 blog views, and for reading my crappy writing.
More soon!

From your craptastic blogger
- Abbi

*FIXED IT! Ha. Wait, it's still spelled wrong. *facepalms*

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy September!

Kay, I'm obsessed with these, but here are some counters/tickers/whatyamacallits. These will not count down, because I copied/pasted the pictures instead of the html.

Days till my birthday
Ticker id: ZA1C

Days till Christmas
Ticker id: Jrq4

Days till the end of the world
Ticker id: Irsj

Days till I get my own horse
Ticker id: 7FXT

Days till Halloween
Ticker id: Fa23

Days till it's awkward at Thanksgiving for vegetarian Abbi
Ticker id: o8IG

So, yay! Make your own:

September goals, anyone?
My goals are:
- Jump Freddy over 1' 6''
- Canter Fred without him getting out of hand.
- Take him on a trail ride
- Be able to hold two-point for an entire two circuits around the big indoor.
- Jump a course of 8 jumps on a different horse.
- Earn $2,000 for my horse fund.


- Abbi


Do horses hate me? I mean, seriously.
So I went riding yesterday.

I got on Freddy and he decided to be a nutcase, in Nat's words. We were trotting around in the outdoor (five rings = large outdoor, outdoor, covered outdoor, round pen, and indoor arena) and I had him in a nice trot by talking to him nice and easy, gently tugging on the hackmore when he got a little excited. It sounds crazy - three month rider on an ex-race horse, using a hackmore. Anywho, we were going through an obstacle course with a cavaletti (using it as a small jump) at the end. Kristen was teaching us. SO before the cavaletti I would check him because Fred's all, OMG a JUMP! and speed up. He would trot nicely over it, sometimes, unless I didn't check him firm enough and he sped up and jumped it. So Kristen (she's my IDOL) told me to check him while going over. It worked the first few times until he go SUPEREXCITED about jumping, sped waaaayy up to a canter, and lauched himself over. And then he kept trying to go back to his stall, running out on me after the jump and not letting me turn him. Or running BEHIND Ginger and Ladybug (does he WANT to get kicked, fool horse?) and running up to his buddy, Riddle. Courtney was SO mad after the like, 20th time. Then we rode to the large outdoor and Freddy decided he wanted to run around the outside and took off on me. When I wrestled him back in, he took off again, trotting superfast, then breaking to a canter and NOT. STOPPING. So I checked him HARD, into a walk. Finally. So Emily (I love her!) and Two Socks rode next to us for a while, and I had Fred going into a BEAUTIFUL trot for a while. Then she left and Susan came to teach. Wall, I was trotting Freddy around the outside, and he took off. Again. I got him stopped, but now it's back to the basics for Fred and me. Trotting for three steps, check, walk for ten, repeat. And walking over ground poles. (Apperently, we weren't supposed to be jumping before. Ooopsies.) It's really upsetting, because I want to be an amazing jumper, and I hate taking it slow. I think I would be allowed to take the barrel jump, like Court and Em, at a fast gait, if I was riding someone else. But now, until I get Freddy to behave himself and for me to ride him more often, I woun't be able to canter and jump him, and until Nicole gets her heels down, her balance, and Lady to listen better (lazy Lady) she'll be stuck to cantering at select times and going at poles at a trot. So darn for both of us.
In three weeks, though, I'll be leasing Fred (if he heals slow, though, I woun't. He has an infection in the corner of his mouth, so he and Lacy (needs eye surgery) will be going to the vet's on Wednesday.) and we will learn tons more. I am improving on my balance, though. I have much better contact at two-point, understand all my aids at the walk/trot, can sit a run-away canter quite well while checking (I have a feeling I'll be the master after a while; I'm going to bring my riding gloves next time, too.) and can sit the trot (in Fred's stiff Bates saddle, NOT the cushy-comfy Wintec) for a good lap of time. Of course, I'm just a sad little beginner, but soon I hope to get better. Sometimes it feels like I improve every time I ride, but sometimes it feels like I'm LOSING skill.

After I untacked Freddy and had lunch with the rest of the girls, it was time for a trail ride. I cannot trail-ride Freddy yet, expessically without a bit, and because of his mouth, he can't take a bit. So I rode Willy (in a Western saddle, yuck) the gentlest horse on Iron Horse Ranch. He does have a stiff mouth, and halting him and checking him was difficult. We rode single-file across beautiful areas. When it was time to trot, Willy (former endurance horse) decicided it was a race. Trotting faster, I tried to check him. He didn't listen, and, filled with antsy-ness, he took off. At a full-blown, Arabian gallop. YIKES. YIKES YIKES EEEEK. At this point, I heard Kristen yelling to check him, and the wind blowing my helmet back  (broke it last week falling off Freddy, don't have money to replace it) and stinging and watering my eyes. I am proud of myself, because I have NEVER lost my cool on a horse, even on Millie (Ms. BuckanSpook) or Freddy. I have simply never felt fear. Just, (Omigod, horse, Susan's going to have a FIT. Stop, stop, stop. Whoa, baby.) I sat chilly, leaning back into the reins. But we were on a gravel rode, and I was TERRIFED we were going to get hit by a car. Because. He. Would. Not. Stop. I wanted to make him circle, and as I tried, I saw a dead-end rode. (sign) I hauled the rein that way and, relief, he turned down it. Now my priority was to stop him. At this point, I'd already calmly told him to stop. (Whhhoaaa, horse. Wiilllyy.) I heard Kristen and her horse Alli galloping behind us, as he turned into a narrow trail between some trees. Afraid she thought I had made him gallop, I yelled, WHOA and leaned back hard. At this point, I grabbed the reins in one hand and held onto the saddle's pommel and horn to keep me from falling. A one-rein stop never occured to me. *rolls eyes* I wasn't really insecure at the pace, but if I fell off Willy, he could get hurt. And I think I would make a dent in the ground at the pace we were going. At least the saddle was synthetic (synthetic = cushy = secure) and Willy was smoother than Millie at a gallop. I repeatedly checked and released on Willy, but he refused to listen. You won the race, Willy. Now we were on someone's gravel driveway. NICE. Glacing around, I saw a white-vinal and electric fence. Susan's horses were trained to stop by tipping their nose to the fence. Hoping Willy's training would kick in (for god's sake, he's 24 years old! MAN that old guy can run!) I tipped him towards the fence and he slowed to a trot, Kristen and Alli catching up to us. I should be surprised that he beat a young, registered Quarter Horse, but y'now, I'm just relieved we arn't going to die. Finally I get him to stop, and both me and Kristen are panting as she rides up to me. She ponies us. Normally, I would be indignant, but I'm just relieved that he woun't run off again. I AM NEVER RIDING THAT CRAZY HORSE AGAIN. Safest horse on the place, and of course, he takes off with me. The other girls are waiting at the end of the lane, and Kristen yells, "I got her!" They ask if I'm okay, and I wave to them, laughing. For the rest of the ride, I keep Willy on a supertight rein and tense in the saddle whenever he tries to go faster than a walk. Trot = tense, bounce, jerk on his poor mouth on accident. Clumsey, hungry horse trips over his feet trying to eat = tense, clutch, pop the poor horse in the mouth.  I'm not sure if I was actually scared, or I just was trying to act it to show my repentance. I remember galloping on Millie across a field - happy, cheeks pink, eyes light at the end, asking "Can we do it again!?" But this...I had zero control. I've never felt that way on a horse.

So, at the end of the day, I had sat through four takeoffs. My god. Well, I HOPE it gets better from here.

- Abbi

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I am so freaking lazy. But AWESOME.

To keep my lazy butt on track, I decided to make a HORSE SCHEDULE CALANDER. Behold in it's glory. Actually, it's quite a pain in the butt.

It does work pretty well. I have arranged the days till October 14th, *THE DAY* and on each day, I put an action to do for my horse fund. I.E, Update EBay Account, Sign up for an Etsy account, ect.

The only problem is I am full of LAZY. It's only the second day, and I'm already behind. Seriously, it's pathetic. I need to 1.) Post Craigslist stuff 2.) Order a program and 3.) Buy art supplies for Etsy projects. I am so sad.

What kicks lazyiness, anyone know?

Meanwhile, I can draw awesome horses. Not really. They slightly resemble pixels of nothing.

I'm also reorganizng documents for The Plan. Its fun! Yay.

Soon, I will be that crazy girl, the horse owner. NOT just that crazy girl who draws pixels of nothing.
But I gotta kick the laziness. It sets me behind, and that is something I really, really can't have. If I plan to get my own horse, I can't do this crap.



Taking a Header and Other Nice Things

So, I rode Freddy, a high-strung TB jumper at my stables.


Also, I hit the dirt, coming clean off his shoulder. While trotting. It was so sad.
Yay! My first fall! xD

I DO get to lease him though.

Starting Sept 22nd, he is "mine" in air quotes.

And I know you're thinking, "WALL IDIOT, THAT'S YOUR HORSE DAY."
I decided to rescedule to Oct 14th. I know, I know. But by then I'll have a better seat and firmer cues, and plenty of Freddy experience. If I can survive him, I can survive anypony! It will also give me more time to raise money for my own horse.
Remind me to update my Pita-Pata Counter.

So, that's my news. Any leasing tips, jumping-seat tips, or riding tips will be appriciated!
Love my commenters! BTW, so sorry I've been gone a while. SCHOOL IS SO FREAKING BORING. At least I have the dreaded algrebra every other day. *preens*


- Abbi and Fredward